Friends of Bend Airport

For the benefit of all Bend Airport users

Author : Kim Muinch

Bend Airport Rules & Reg’s Update: Revised, But a Few Issues Remain – Public Comment Requested

Hello again Friends, My last communication to you regarding the City’s initiative to update the Bend Airport Rules & Regulations policy was back in late February, following the Friends Rules and Regs Workgroup’s presentation of suggested language edits in late January.  Many of those suggestions originated from comments YOU submitted. Great News!!  The city team[…]

Airport Rules & Reg’s Update: Presentation to City & Suggested Language Changes Document – For Your Review

Click here to view the document developed by the 20+ persons Friends workgroup, and presented on Jan. 26th during a meeting with the city team. The document includes: An overview of the airport’s community, value and contribution to the community, A listing of suggested language changes that were largely based on your comments submitted during the public comment period Nov. 8 –[…]

Airport Rules & Reg’s Update: Video Conference: Saturday, Feb. 24th, 9:00 am

Early last November, the City of Bend released a draft of the updated airport Rules and Regulations, Minimum Standards, and Development and Leasing Policy It’s been over two months since the public comment period closed. Hundreds of comments were submitted by nearly 100 persons, and that underscores your interest in the topic. The 20+ person[…]

Bend Airport Petition

The Friends of the Bend Airport advocates on behalf of aircraft owners, pilots, hangar owners and tenants, aviation business owners, and others. The Friends group was established three years ago to foster, on a long-term basis, a safe, vibrant and robust aviation community at the Bend Municipal Airport. Many of the Friends: Have invested private[…]

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