Friends of Bend Airport

For the benefit of all Bend Airport users


Friends of Bend Airport Spring Meeting?

Hey, let’s get together this spring for a time of food, fellowship, fun, and learning. If you’d like to help us plan, staff and pull-off a spring meeting, we’ll promote it, and provide the resources. Whether we have a meeting, and the scope of that meeting is solely determined by how many of you come[…]

Making the Bend Airport the Best It Can Be: Going Beyond the Airport Master Plan

The airport master plan addresses some very significant unmet needs, but it falls short of addressing quite a few seemingly lesser unmet needs. Taxi lane pavement, real restrooms and several other long-standing issues simply are not addressed. Why weren’t these items included in the plan, you ask? We’ll it depends – it’s either funding, it’s[…]

No Landfill Near the Airport

A landfill was proposed near the Bend Airport recently.  The FAA isn’t keen on landfills near airports, as they attract birds and present other hazards.  At the February 7 meeting of the Deschutes County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting, (SWAC) voted to remove potential sites within 5-miles of the Bend and Redmond airports from further[…]

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