Friends of Bend Airport

For the benefit of all Bend Airport users

Author : Kim Muinch

Got News? Need Help?

We volunteers are incrementally building our website. One useful page is this “Updates”, which is a chronological blog of news flashes ad other “Posts”. We’re not quite set-up yet for self-service on our website, but our intent is to give you the ability to make a post – like something you think other airport users[…]

Let It Snow

The airport got its first real snow mid-January, and more is to come it seems. The city’s airport web pages provide really good details about how, when and where snow is removed. -And where snow is not removed. You would be well-served to know the details before you assume the snow has been cleared. While[…]

Mark Your Calendar! Critical Meeting Coming Up That Determines the Future of the Airport

February 11th, 2-4 pm.  This is “Public Advisory Committee” meeting # 4.  A PAC meeting is an opportunity for YOU to listen and have direct input into the decision-making process of what becomes of the Bend Airport in the coming 10 years. The PAC is a part of the “Public Involvement Process” in the current[…]

$2M Premises Insurance Requirement Likely To Be Eliminated

On December 14th Bend Airport administration delivered even more great news to tenants of city-owned hangars and tiedowns, “We anticipate that new leases reflecting the reduced rent will be sent out to all T-Hangar tenants in early January.  Based on tenant feedback, we anticipate that these leases will revert back to the $1 million aircraft[…]

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