Friends of Bend Airport

For the benefit of all Bend Airport users


No Landfill Near the Airport

A landfill was proposed near the Bend Airport recently.  The FAA isn’t keen on landfills near airports, as they attract birds and present other hazards.  At the February 7 meeting of the Deschutes County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting, (SWAC) voted to remove potential sites within 5-miles of the Bend and Redmond airports from further[…]

Got News? Need Help?

We volunteers are incrementally building our website. One useful page is this “Updates”, which is a chronological blog of news flashes ad other “Posts”. We’re not quite set-up yet for self-service on our website, but our intent is to give you the ability to make a post – like something you think other airport users[…]

Help Wanted! No Pay, No Benefits.

The Friends of Bend Airport is an all-volunteer effort. The more volunteers we have, the more we get done. We have a leadership group, and it’s enough for them to determine the direction. We need worker bees badly, and we have tasks for anyone who is willing to volunteer. Many tasks are small and simple.[…]

Let It Snow

The airport got its first real snow mid-January, and more is to come it seems. The city’s airport web pages provide really good details about how, when and where snow is removed. -And where snow is not removed. You would be well-served to know the details before you assume the snow has been cleared. While[…]

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