Revised T Hangar Rental Agreements – Should You Sign It?

Well, that’s a question that some of you have been asking. The good news is the $2M “Premises Insurance” requirement that was included in the “New” rental agreements that were sent-out this summer has been dropped – thanks to the efforts of a small group of Friends of Bend Airport members that spent many hours educating city staff that the requirement was absurd, and couldn’t be met.

A lot of Gina’s time was absolutely wasted – sending out revised agreements, only for them to be round-filed. And lots of tenant time, trying to find insurance that could not be had, and then “Educating” city and airport staff.

You’d think they would listen proactively for a change. But NO, this next-revision of the rental agreement that has gone out STILL specifies an automatic 3% annual (Compounded) increase. One Friends member spent many hours making the proactive case that such an inflationary increase is not warranted, and proposed a more sensible cost-of-living-index-based model for increase. That was documented, sent to airport staff, and like many of our prior proactive communications to airport and city staff, it was also ignored!

So now a second revision has been “Thrown out there”.

So, this is a request to YOU – if you’re a T hangar tenant, or for that matter any other type of renter of city property at the airport. YOUR agreement may be next.

The request is – should we push this, or just let it be? And if we push it – what do you recommend, and what would you support? Options include simply not signing the new agreements, protest to city council, and perhaps other actions. Drop us a line at with your thoughts. This is an effort to assess tenant sentiment on this issue.

Revised T Hangar Rental Agreements – Should You Sign It?
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