Mark Your Calendar! Critical Meeting Coming Up That Determines the Future of the Airport

February 11th, 2-4 pm.  This is “Public Advisory Committee” meeting # 4.  A PAC meeting is an opportunity for YOU to listen and have direct input into the decision-making process of what becomes of the Bend Airport in the coming 10 years. The PAC is a part of the “Public Involvement Process” in the current project to develop the airport’s “Master Plan” by the end of 2021.

Even if you don’t have time to participate in the meeting, read the “Book” that is the guiding document for the discussion.  It covers ALL the airport improvements that are being considered.  And not being considered.  Control tower?  Longer runway?  A second runway? More aircraft storage?  Real bathrooms?  Perimeter fencing?  You can find that “Book” here

Mark Your Calendar! Critical Meeting Coming Up That Determines the Future of the Airport
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