Making the Bend Airport the Best It Can Be: Going Beyond the Airport Master Plan

The airport master plan addresses some very significant unmet needs, but it falls short of addressing quite a few seemingly lesser unmet needs. Taxi lane pavement, real restrooms and several other long-standing issues simply are not addressed.

Why weren’t these items included in the plan, you ask? We’ll it depends – it’s either funding, it’s too complicated, or it’s just not viewed as not that relevant right now. Now, if you’d like to see your issue of interest addressed, drop us a line. If we get enough response, we’ll organize the effort to pursue them.

Help the Friends of Bend Airport get a few things going! We are an all-volunteer group, open to everyone. We have a few ideas, and we’re looking for more. Brilliant ideas only, please! Even more than ideas, we need volunteers to do the work.

Making the Bend Airport the Best It Can Be: Going Beyond the Airport Master Plan
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