Help Wanted! No Pay, No Benefits.

The Friends of Bend Airport is an all-volunteer effort. The more volunteers we have, the more we get done.

We have a leadership group, and it’s enough for them to determine the direction. We need worker bees badly, and we have tasks for anyone who is willing to volunteer. Many tasks are small and simple. Others are more challenging.

Here’s a sampling of things we’d like to get done, and we are open to your ideas. Drop us a line at if you can help, or have suggestions.

Airport Service Quality – The saying goes, “You won’t improve what you don’t measure”. We need someone to organize an effort to establish a set of key performance indicators for the airport. We’ll set up those measurements, publish them on our website, and use them to advocate for performance improvements.
Airport Oversight – Help us get the airport its due recognition and regard. There is quite a lot of apathy in regard to the airport down at city hall. And too little accountability. Should there be an “Airport commission”? Is the airport positioned correctly on the city org. chart?
Airport Budget – Help us provide airport users with good visibility of airport revenues and expenses. We need help to evaluate the airport budget, and present it in a relevant way to airport users on our website.
Membership – Help us define what a member is, and what they get when they become a member. Help us get the website set up for self-service. Help us to recruit members, with publicity.
Website – Help us select and inplement a “Membership Mgt” plug-in for our WordPress website. That plug-in will enable self-service sign-up for membership and website access rights.
Treasury – Help us set up a simple set of books – On Excel, Quicken, or Quickbooks. We already have a checking account, Paypal account and Zelle.
Facebook – Help us get our Facebook page going. We need someone to preside over it as the Admin, and promote it.
Communications – We need someone to help us optimize our communications – be it e-mails, website, Facebook, or any other communication. Set standards for communicators to follow, and call-out communicators out when they get too wordy or are unclear.
Webcams on hangars – We need someone to be the “Go to” person for an initiative to get several webcams placed on strategically located hangars and buildings around the airport. Coordinate with the airport manager to develop a strategy and plan.

Help Wanted! No Pay, No Benefits.
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