Bend Airport Webcams: YOU Need More!  Would YOU Host One on Your Hangar Roof?

Click on our “Web Cams” page.  Pilots (Especially visitors) flying into our airport can get a pretty good visual picture of the weather and landscape.  If you’re thinking of flying today, but it’s snowed recently, or you just want to see what the wx looks like at the airport before you head out to fly, these webcams can be a big help.  The local TV weather persons often show our webcam images on their broadcasts.

What we need now are webcams that “Show” the runway environment.  Does your hangar have a good view of the runway and taxiways from your hangar roof?  If so, drop us a line.  No electric power or internet at your hangar?  No problem – we can use solar-powered cameras, and we can provide a wireless internet connection.  We’ll install it too.  Just provide us with a roof-top location, and a little space inside your hangar for the equipment.

The FAA’s is expanding weather camera coverage.  Read the AOPA story here:

Bend Airport Webcams: YOU Need More!  Would YOU Host One on Your Hangar Roof?
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