Airport Master Plan Project Update: Call to Action!

What kind of airport should the Bend Airport become – in say 10 years? Towered? Longer runway? A second parallel runway? Fenced-in? Rest rooms? More vehicle parking? More aircraft parking?

Right NOW is the time for you to be heard. Well, actually, Feb. 11th, when the public advisory committee (PAC) convenes to discuss these and other development alternatives.

What and who is the PAC? Well, it’s a diverse group of airport users, airport businesses, regulators, elected representatives, consultants, airport mgt. staff, and city staff.

If you’re not sure your interests in the airport’s development will be addressed as the various development alternatives are presented and discussed, you can listen-in, or you can let us know what’s on your mind, and we’ll compile a list, and do our best to see that they get addressed.

Wanna know more about the meeting? Can you attend? Who’s on the PAC? What’s being considered? Click this link to the Airport Master Plan web page.

As you scroll down, note the following:

There’s a link to the master plan adopted in 2013. That’s the plan that’s still in play.
For details on the Feb. 11th PAC meeting there’s a link to the meeting flyer.
There are links to the documents that came out of the prior 3 PAC meetings.
DRAFT Working Paper # 1 is the MAIN document at the moment! Click on that link! It’s a large document, but packed with ALL the details of the un-met needs at the airport, and much more.
The Updated Project Schedule 20/21 depicts the timeline and remaining steps to finish this project.

Last, if you want to know about why and how the FAA mandates and prescribes a master plan for the Bend Airport, check out this Advisory Circular.

Airport Master Plan Project Update: Call to Action!
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