Friends of Bend Airport

For the benefit of all Bend Airport users

Got News? Need Help?

We volunteers are incrementally building our website. One useful page is this “Updates”, which is a chronological blog of news flashes ad other “Posts”.

We’re not quite set-up yet for self-service on our website, but our intent is to give you the ability to make a post – like something you think other airport users should know. Or a request you might have.

But you can submit your new flashes or other posts NOW, via e-mail to us and we’ll post it for you on our website Updates page. Your part is to write the text and e-mail it to us, and we’ll post it. Send your submission to us at

We already have a “Forum” function working on our website. It’s on the “Forums” tab.

You need to have log-in credentials to use the forums, and if you drop us a line, we can set you up with log-in credentials. It won’t be long until we have self-service capability for you to set yourself up as a user.

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