
You’re Invited: Bend Airport Improvements Workshop

This coming Saturday, April 5th, we are forming a new workgroup that will focus on specific Bend Airport improvements. You’re invited. These are improvements beyond those already in motion or planned. Back in 2019 a “Tenant Survey” was conducted, and many of you responded. Quite a few improvements were cited that had broad support – For example – “Aircraft wash facility”, “Security lighting”, “Parking” and “Hangars”. Although some of those “Needed improvements” are a part of the Airport Master Plan, most are not. Come with your ideas, and let’s look at the survey results for a start. Tracy Williams, our airport manager, is looking forward to working with us.
This 45-minute meeting begins at 9:45 am, Saturday, April 5th and will be held in downtown Bend at the Downtown Bend Library, 610 NW Wall St., Bend. We’ll meet in the Brooks Room, just inside the front door to the left. Plenty of free parking right across the street.
The room is large, but if you would be so kind to RSVP, room setup will be easy.
Here’s the link:
If you won’t be able to make this meeting, drop us a line at and we’ll connect you with the workgroup.

You’re Invited: Disaster Airlift Response Exercise Orientation

You’re invited to attend a 45-minute orientation this coming Saturday, April 5th for this summer’s annual Oregon Disaster Response Exercise. Conducted by ODART – Oregon Disaster Airlift Response Team. This state-wide exercise involves many general aviation airplanes, seaplanes and rotorcraft transporting supplies to “Impact areas” that could be impacted by a large-scale disaster, such as earthquake, flood or wildfire. Also “Infrastructure Damage Assessment” flights.
The Bend Airport will be one of four airports dispatching those flights to impact areas. You don’t need to be a pilot to participate. We have a HAM radio setup, and we use that to communicate with other bases and impact areas. If you’re a licensed HAM we need you. If you’re not licensed and want to work with a licensed HAM we have a spot for you. And we need ground support volunteers to keep the ramp safe and assist pilots with loading/unloading, and preparing/forwarding load manifest sheets and recon reports to HAMs.
This 45-minute meeting begins at 9:00 am, Saturday, April 5th and will be held in downtown Bend at the Downtown Bend Library, 610 NW Wall St., Bend. We’ll meet in the Brooks Room, just inside the front door to the left. Plenty of free parking right across the street.
The room is large, but if you would be so kind to RSVP, room setup will be easy.
Here’s the link:
If you won’t be able to make this meeting, drop us a line at and we’ll connect you with the team.

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